Science project ideas
All science project ideas are to be pre approved by STEM Camp. All ideas for projects are grade level appropriate and and are done on camp site. Any project idea that requires experimentation outside of the camp site must be pre approved by STEM Camp faculty and parents.
There are absolutely NO bacteria growth projects allowed.
If your school requires a science project, please ask the science department for a PROJECT GUIDELINE paper that explains what will /will not be accepted as a project idea.
Please be advised that some schools may not allow a project not done under their supervision to be handed in for credit. STEM Camp does not guarantee that our projects will be admissible in your home school. Contact your school at your discretion to ask about bringing in a project done over the summer. We will be happy to discuss our program with your teacher.
If you wish to look online for ideas on sites that have science project ideas, be sure to look at grade level appropriate projects, keep in mind the project should be done in a 3-5 day time frame and of course, all materials and equipment required to complete the project. In some cases STEM Camp has the equipment or may be able to acquire it. PLEASE contact us ASAP with any questions so that these concerns may be addressed with sufficient time.
Due to the fact many schools are asking for science projects to be done as a power point, we will give you a guideline/template for the power point, and all required paperwork for competition will be completed before camp ends.